interview with Hanif Lashari By: Nabeel Ahmed Abro

No Appreciation Of Music And Art Is Found: Hanif Lashari

By: Nabeel Ahmed Abro

 Hanif Lashari was born on 8th  September 1963 in Mirpurkhas. Ustad  Hanif did masters in economics from University of Sindh.
 Ustad Hanif Lashari is a classical Sindhi singer. He is student of Ustad Mohammad Yousif.

 Q: How your interest created in music field? 
 A: Music was in my nature in childhood. I used to listen my uncle Afzal Fakir who was Sufi singer. I also used to listen many singers in early life, this developed my interest in music.
Q: Why you have chosen classical type of music? 
A:  I got inspiration from the voice of Ustad Manzoor Ali Khan. In a musical gathering I went to Ustad and asked him to give me teachings of music, but unfortunately when I passed matriculation in same year Ustad died. So, Ustad inspired me to choose classical type of music.
Q: Nowadays, many Sindhi singers do not know about the ethics of music, do you agree?
A: Verily, this is true; there are some people who don't know musical ethics. First thing musical institutions are not of qualities. Secondly we found media busy in political affairs, while media do not provide facilities to new singers. The yore of Sindh was bright in this.
Q: In Sindh there are no music training institutions, why? 
A: Yes, there is lack of musical institutions in Sindh. No appreciation of music and art is found. People think that singing and art is a bad profession, but in Punjab people always appreciate the music and art, in Lahore NCA, there is department of Musicology for apprentices, egad we are still five minutes back.
Q: Can music defeat extremism?
A: Yes, wars have always shocked the people, same is the case with extremism, but at the same time there was music which was source to give relief to human being. In this extremism age music is a source to defeat it.
Q: What are the effects of music on human psychology?
A: It has great effects on psychology of man. Whenever we get bored we listen music.  It is said world is created by the rhythm of music. So smiling is also music. When music hit you feel comfort.
Q: What is your contribution in singing in MRD movement?
A: All singers played vital role in singing during MRD movement, I and my friends Bedil Masroor and others made a group voices Sindh, we sang songs like “Harak Halo Dheema Halo” through this platform we brought awareness among people of Sindh. 


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